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Week three (July 25 to 29): blog assignment

Thanks for all the work on your blog assignments thus far. Some of the most interesting posts featured videos, sketches and mock-ups -- check out some of them highlighted here in the first of our weekly blog round up posts.

This week, we've included a specific question to answer in your blog response:

Keeping in mind the objectives and challenges identified in this week’s presentations by Shazna Nessa and Mohamed Nanabhay, how does your project take into account the need to facilitate collaboration in the newsroom (whether real or virtual), while acknowledging that team members will have varying technological skill sets?


Monday, August 1 (no later than 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET/ 5 p.m. BST)


A 300 to 500 word blog post.

Please stick to the word limit -- use visuals in place of words if you're having trouble with this limit.

For more detailed guidelines on the 'Weekly blog assignment' visit:

With this blog we’re looking for you to engage with the weekly lectures – in part, this is to demonstrate your understanding of the lectures and to describe how the lessons apply to your final project idea.

How to submit:

Post a link to your blog post below as a comment.

Task Discussion