This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Design your own badge system

Creating your own badge system, no matter the size, with reflection upon and consideration for the many criteria will deepen your understanding.

Create your own badge system, choose a performance level and describe how the badge system will be implemented. An outline to this task could be;


  1. Reflect upon a learning journey worthy of a few badges and envision a badge system to provide recognition for key learnings.
  2. Choose a performance level from the rubric and design the system to meet this level. Be sure to provide supporting discussion of how each performance criteria is being met.
  3. Using pen and paper, drawing tool or some other way of image creation and draw the badge system. Diagram and describe the important graphical elements of each badge. Discuss the themes, and common elements of the badges. Publish the diagram and related discussion.
  4. Provide a table describing and mapping criteria to each badge.
  5. Publish all this work in a way available to the internet.

Seek out another person who has recently completed task 3 of this challenge and encourage them to describe and evaluate your badge system.

Task Discussion

  • Peter Rawsthorne said:

    This is how I have approached completing task 7 of the P2Pu Badge System Design Course. I am using the Open and Networked PhD candidate challenge as the learning journey worthy of a small collection on badges. Task 7 of the P2Pu challenge requires completion of the following five activities;

    1. Reflect upon a learning journey worthy of a few badges and envision a badge system to provide recognition for key learnings.

      The learning journey is creating and bringing together all the materials required to become an Open and Networked PhD candidate. The badge system will have seven micro badges, one for each task in the challenge. Once the learner has completed all tasks they will be awarded the OnPhD Candidacy badge.

    2. Choose a performance level from the rubric and design the system to meet this level. Be sure to provide supporting discussion of how each performance criteria is being met.

      The badge system is meant to be a working badge system as described in the badge system design rubric.The criteria in the rubric are met as follows;
      • Purpose: the completion of the OnPhD candidacy challenge is a significant accomplishment with effort required to completed each of the seven tasks within the challenge. A person who earns all micro-badges and the OnPhD Candidacy Badge should consider themselves an OnPhD Candidate, equivalent to a traditional PhD Candidacy.
      • Graphical design: in this badge system uses a simplistic mono-color with a theme of images and good use of a banner. It doesn't provide any branding within the micro-badges and the banner names map directly to task names.
      • Organization: is a flat single level hierarchy consisting of seven micro-badges and one badge. The learning journey is easily understood and well organized. The badge system is only just been implemented but has been well received by the community.
      • Criteria: is succinctly described and allows for flexibility in different learning approaches. Each completed task adds to the overall objective. The earning of each micro-badge naturally leads to the next. Overall the badge system is easily understood.
      • Technical Integration: Badge(s) are easily available through the use of credly for awarding. This 3rd party badge issuing system allows for both criteria and evidence to be hosted at other locations. Badges can be moved to the Mozilla open backpack.
      • System Integration: The OnPhD Candidate badge system integrates well with existing and similar PhD candidacy requirements. The OnPhD Candidacy also integrates with well with heutagogical and autodidactical  approaches.
      • Assertion: the badge hosting organization (credly) is well established and will provide a hosting environment for the foreseeable future. 
      • Endorsement: The affiliations (endorsement) of the OnPhD with both Wikiversity and P2Pu bring added reputation. Once a number of candidates have successfully completed the OnPhD Candidacy challenge further endorsements will be sought.
      • Validity: is yet to be determined as no one has successfully completed all the tasks within the badge system. Validity will be determined once a small sample of candidates have completed the challenge.
      • Development Team: had one main developer with another providing subject matter expertise (SME). The curriculum development had input from three other SME which vetted the curriculum design.
    3. Using pen and paper, drawing tool or some other way of image creation and draw the badge system. Diagram and describe the important graphical elements of each badge. Discuss the themes, and common elements of the badges. Publish the diagram and related discussion.

    4. Provide a table describing and mapping criteria to each badge.

      The mapping of criteria to badges is well described in the "OnPhD Candidacy Badge System" blog post;

    5. Publish all this work in a way available to the internet.

      A number of blog posts accompany this post in providing background and related information to completing this task.

    on April 29, 2013, 11:14 p.m.
  • Domi Zuend said:

    Hey everyone, 

    I'd love to hear what you guys think of the badge system at

    Maybe there is a way of using the system for your purposes as well.


    on April 10, 2013, 9:52 a.m.

    Peter Rawsthorne said:


    Great looking site. It was hard to find the badge system within your site. Could you provide a link that describes the badges your site issues.

    Cheers, Peter

    on April 17, 2013, 9:46 a.m. in reply to Domi Zuend