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Getting started using OpenID

Please watch this short video to get an overview of OpenID

This task has 3 steps which you may want to do only one at a time:

  • create an OpenID account
  • make your website an OpenID relying party
  • setup an OpenID provider on your server


well let's get started!

Create an OpenID account

To get started you can use any of the providers listed here:

It's very likely you already have an account which provides you with an OpenID. Later on we will take a look to see how you can setup an OpenID provider on your own server!


Make your own domain an OpenID

You should now have an OpenID account. So far so good, but what if you don’t want to remember your newly created URL? One answer is to use your own domain and drop in some head tags which tell requesting sites to get the info from your OpenID server.

If you’re using MyOpenID, the code looks like this:

<link rel="openid.server" href="">

<link rel="openid.delegate" href="">

Replace the address in the second url with your OpenID address and add these lines to the head of the page that you want to use as your OpenID address.


A helpful screencast which illustrates how to use your own domain as an OpenID by delegating requests with your Google OpenID provider

Setup an OpenID provider on your server [Needs work]

Follow the tutorial ..

.. to set up your own Open ID server using the PHP OpenID library.


The source code is available on github


If your running a recent version of PHP you will probably come across a problem with a missing dl() function


Make your website an OpenID relying party [Needs work]


Follow the tutorial ..


Here are some modules / plugins for  some popular open source content management systems



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