This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Reading Response - Reflect and Connect

Keep track of your response and make connections.

Read for at least  2 hours. Your goal is to finish your book or article(s) before the 4 Tasks of this Challenge are completed.

You can do this in one sitting or you can do it 4 times for thirty minutes each time or 6 times for twenty minutes each. But it has to be focused, uninterrupted reading. No multi-tasking during your reading time. 

After you've read your book or your article for at least 2 hours open a Google Document and plan to write for about 30 minutes.

Begin by freewriting about your text. Write non-stop for 5 or ten minutes about anything that comes into your head about your book or article.

Then turn to the Literature Response Guides or to this guide, "General Response to a Non-Fiction Article. Say how a part of your book is similar to something that you've seen in the news.

Share your Doc with a teacher and a couple of peers, and ask them to make a couple of comments. Do not publish it on Youth Voices yet. Also make your document public.

In the Post Comment button here (on P2PU) add a link to your Google Document. You can find the link to your Google Document under the Share button. Do this before you click Yes, I'm done .

We encourage students to break out of the overly structured guides and create your own kinds of response. However, we do ask you to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Begin by doing a freewrite: your first thoughts about this section of the book or article. You'll need to revise this writing before you publish it on Youth Voices.
  2. Be specific about your response to your reading, and give an example from the text. Quote from the text.
  3. Quote a second section from the text when you make connections, ask questions, track elements of the text, or compare it to other things.
  4. End by predicting what you think might happen next, and say how you feel about continuing your reading

If you are taking an economics class or if you just interested in economics. Read Sacred Economics, (in our Youth Voices Crocooc folder) by Charles Eisenstein. 


About the Author

Charles Eisenstein is a teacher, speaker, and writer focusing on themes of civilization, consciousness, money, and human cultural evolution.

Learn more about Charles

Get the Book

True to the gift economy, the book is offered on a "pay what you want" basis, as well as hard copy. Learn more about the options below.

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Task Discussion

  • JohnathanR said:

    on April 4, 2013, 1:36 p.m.
  • DesireeC said:

    In R. Preston McAfee “Introduction To Economics Analysis” from!/collection/2d50fcf8-31d8-4c1d-86ca-2578b9bb8389/play/b48ab5b2-f49d-48de-ad27-b656355776b8 , the author breaks down the term of Economics into simpler forms.

    When we consider the issue of “What Is Economics ?” some might wonder Economics as dealing with money, involving accounting, or the subject just being too hard. R. Preston McAfee introduction addresses this question because it will give the reader a better vision of the subject. McAfee explains Economics as a study of scarce resources among people.

    “Economics studies the allocation of scarce resources among people – examining what goods and services wind up in the hands of which people.”

    This is basically saying that the companies anticipates the needs of a specific market so that it can respond accordingly.

    This might make one wonder that a company should provide more than what the consumer needs so that it wouldn’t affect the customers. For example I work in a store that sells hundreds of soups, specifically 5 every day soups if those soups start running low it affects the store because those are the main sellers.

    Another point McAfee makes in his introduction is “customers who search among the stores, purchasing when the customer finds an appropriate item at an acceptable price.” This is important because many people who shop rather buy items at a cheaper price.

    A third point addressed by McAfee is “the products differ to some degree, and thus the qualities of the product are factors in the decision to purchase.” s This Is Significant because many stores sell the same products for the same price and other stores sell sell the same product for different prices.

    What we can appreciate about this writer’s work is  that he  gives a great understanding We can look forward  to seeing  what he writes next because  he is able to persuade a reader  to like economics.

    on Feb. 18, 2013, 12:25 a.m.
  • Monisha Nelson said:

     “The Night We Became People Again” Is a short story i started to read. Its about a latino man who works in brooklyn but lives in harlem, he tells his story of the blackout that happened in 1965. His story stands out to me because as he is in a rush to get to his wife who is giving birth the power goes out in all of New York city and him and his friends Crazytop is stuck on a crowded train in the middle of brooklyn.
       We learn something interesting about on of the character Crazytop.  On page 2 it says “You see, poor Crazytop fell out his crib in puerto Rico when he was little, and according to his mother, may she rest in peace, he fell on his head, and it seems that the blow soften up his brain.”

      This is typical of how this character acts in this short story so far. He often seem to comprehend almost everything, But has his moments where he's a little off. For example, the narrator said when he first met Crazytop he would spin around until he got dizzy, and fell on the floor. Thats also how he got his nickname Crazytop.

      After This Part of the short story, most readers will be looking forward to read the rest of this short story because on page 5 it Crazytop Lets the narrator know hes scared “ Say buddy, I’m practically peeing in my pants” I myself is wondering how Crazytop is going to react to the continuing of this blackout.

    on Nov. 26, 2012, 10:29 a.m.
  • Miguel said:

    on Sept. 27, 2012, 12:09 p.m.