This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Reading Response - Notice and Investigate

Analyze the text and draw conclusions about what it means.

Read for at least  2 more hours. Your goal is to finish your book or article(s) before the 4 Tasks of this Challenge are completed.

You can do this in one sitting or you can do it 4 times for thirty minutes each time or 6 times for twenty minutes each. But it has to be focused, uninterrupted reading. No multi-tasking during your reading time.

After you've read your book or your article for at least more more 2 hours, open a NEW Google Document and plan to write for about 30 minutes.

Begin by freewriting about your text. Write non-stop for 5 or ten minutes about anything that comes into your head about your book or article.

Then turn to the Literature Response Guides or to this guide, "General Response to a Non-Fiction Article. Describe how something is an example of a basic pattern that you've learned about in other books or articles or other media. Or describe something about a character, the plot, the theme, or some other element of your text.

Share your Doc with a teacher and a couple of peers, and ask them to make a couple of comments. Do not publish it on Youth Voices yet. Also make your document public.

In the Post Comment button here (on P2PU) add a link to your Google Document. You can find the link to your Google Document under the Share button. Do this before you click Yes, I'm done .

We encourage students to break out of the overly structured guides and create your own kinds of response. However, we do ask you to keep in mind the following guidelines:

  1. Begin by doing a freewrite: your first thoughts about this section of the book or article. You'll need to revise this writing before you publish it on Youth Voices.
  2. Be specific about your response to your reading, and give an example from the text. Quote from the text.
  3. Quote a second section from the text when you make connections, ask questions, track elements of the text, or compare it to other things.
  4. End by predicting what you think might happen next, and say how you feel about continuing your reading.

Task Discussion

  • ShamarS said:

    on May 27, 2013, 3:31 p.m.
  • kwabena sarh said:


    I've been reading further into the book (chapter 14-18). And what i have been thinking about this book since i last read it was, where reymundo will end up towards the end of the book because he had been getting himself into deeper trouble every time he hang with a member of the latin kings.


    The second to last paragraph in chapter 16 of my bloody life by Reymundo Sanchez might leave a reader feeling awkward because Reymundo and papo got into an altercation but Reymundo was not touched because of his old friend Flaco who is a leader of the spanish cobras. An example of this is on page 93. He still considered me his friend, but he didn't feel the same way about papo. Flaco was the leader of that group. He ordered the other cobras not to touch me. They held me so i could interfere with them as they beat the crap out of papo. Flaco warned me that if i didn't want to get killed i should stop hanging around with papo and the spanish lords. Then they disappeared.

    So far the theme in my bloody life remind a reader of the story in another book. In monster Kody Scott was an L.A gang member who also did things to fit it. But when things went wrong somehow it becomes his fault. Kody Scott in monster is an example why you would think twice before doing something. Same Thing goes for my bloody life.

    After this part of the book, most readers probably will not be looking forward to reading the rest of this book because the theme of this book is similar to many others. Also i highly doubt anyone want to read a book about the corrupted. What probably going to happen next is sanchez might get himself into trouble likely because he hang out with the lords most of the time. Sanchez puts himself deeper in a hole.

    on May 22, 2013, 3:01 p.m.
  • Miguel said:

    on April 29, 2013, 8:17 p.m.
  • ZoeC said:

    on March 21, 2013, 2:14 p.m.