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Pick Your Song

Find openly licensed music or music that is available in the public domain.

There's tons of great music that's free to use and it's largely unrepresented in the world of video art. Find a song that's openly licensed or in the public domain to use for your video and post it here!

How to search: You can go about this in several ways, such as through an advanced search on Google or Yahoo! where you can specify by permissions for reuse, or search directly at music platforms and libraries that host Creative Commons-licensed music and music that is in the public domain. 


These are just a few examples of places you can look for openly licensed music. Note that there are six different CC licenses, and other open content licenses to boot, and they are not all the same in their conditions for reuse. "Under CC licenses, syncing music in timed-relation with a moving image is always considered an adaptation," so you would have to find music that is under a CC license that allows derivatives.

For more information on the CC licenses, see  

Task Discussion

  • Jenifferhomes said:

    at times there are tasks are no longer in the proper order. This makes it difficult for new students. Does anyone know how to put them back in the proper order? And does anyone remember the right order of the tasks (a new student asked me).

    on May 3, 2012, 8:25 a.m.

    AJC said:

    What order do you think they should be in? Would love some feedback!

    on May 3, 2012, 11:25 a.m. in reply to Jenifferhomes
  • Philipp said:

    What about youtube videos that are not in the public domain? There seems to be a healthy remix culture on youtube.

    on Feb. 9, 2012, 11:43 a.m.