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Orientation3- P2PU Platform and Resources [Aug. 27, 2011, 2:06 p.m.]



  • P2PU platform
  • Other resources

What is there to use here on P2PU?  

Well, if you have made it this far you already see the comment features, the course title, description, and syllabus.  You may not have noticed the easy course navigation on the left side of the screen?  In addition there is a multi-level navigation across the top under the title of the course. Also, P2P offers help in the form of an ongoing blog about new features (see navigation bar across top), and a FAQ area (see navigation along bottom).

Feel free to use the comment area for this task to share what you notice about P2PU and or ask questions to learn how to navigate and use the course. Notice that we have conversations by using the comment and reply features at each task. Private messages are also available at each person's profile page.

Finally, on this page we can experiment with the wiki-sort of feature on P2PU that allows us to even collaborate in the writing of the course.  If you have ideas to add to how to use or how to find or what is available, just add your thoughts right into this text wherever your thoughts seem to fit.  You may do this by selecting the edit button at the top.  Some tasks will be editable by all participants and others will not. When the task is editable, the edit task bar will be available to participants.


What will we be using that is not part of the P2PU platform?

Google docs- You will be directed to add to google documents online through a link in the course assignments. Once there, you will see the normal tools of any writing program (text features, edit, etc.).  You may add columns and rows to tables where it seems needed. You may add text.  Save in the google save bar and the document will be shared and available to all participants online.

YouTube- I will embed relevant Youtube videos for the class to share and discuss.

Blogging-Blogs are great places to store your thinking and can provide feedback on your thinking through your audience.  Ongoing reflective writing is an excellent strategy to use to increase what you get from any learning experience.  I would suggest starting a blog at, blogger or a blog site of your choice.  Another option would be using a journal and keeping your thoughts private. 


My suggestion for blogging as you go through this course, is to periodically stop and blog (or journal) to the following prompts:

  • What do I think about engagement? 
  • Has my thinking changed and how?

You are officially done with orientation and ready to begin your journey into STUDENT ENGAGEMENT. Head for Week1 Tasks!