posted message: This is also a place where it will be easy for me to execute task #4
posted message: Hey guys, I wanted to find a mentor who lived nearby and was available often for chats or hands-on help. I did some research and found out about "hackerspaces," basically clubs or organizations for people who like to tinker with electronics and learn together. I was fortunate to find there was one in my area and I showed up to an open meeting last night and signed up right away. After being there for 10 minutes I knew that this was the learning environment that I couldn't provide for myself at home. If anybody is like me and wondering where to find people to learn with offline, try to find a similar hobby group or club in your area, they often have membership fees, but the return is well worth it!!
started following AJC.
posted message: Hello, I'm still getting used to the P2PU website, but I wrote my Personal Learning Plan last night (the first time I've ever laid out a detailed plan for myself)! I already love this community and I haven't even spoken to anyone yet xD
started following Chloe.