Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: I've archived this group. I'm not planning to try to get it up and running again, but if anyone would like to try to take it over I'd be more than happy to hand over ownership (assuming such a thing is possible). All the best to you and your families, Suzi
    posted message: Meetup date and time: What works for you? I don't think I can do anything before Sunday. I'm on Eastern Daylight Time (UTC/GMT -4 hours) and I'm pretty open regarding the meetup time.
    posted message: Anyone interested in doing an online meetup to discuss some of the topics in the course content? There was a java applet that allowed voice conferencing + a chatroom. I forget the name, but we used it in the "teaching babies math" class and it worked well.
    posted message: Welcome everyone! Lovely to have so many people interested. The idea is to start this course soon. Feel free to start on Task 1 (introductions), also please have a look at Task 2 "Contribute to the course content and structure" and comment on / add to the content and proposed schedule. (By the way, I might not be online 1-8 October so if I go quiet don't worry)
    posted message: Hello all. I've been thinking about when this course should start - I though it would be useful to give a definite cut-off date for registration. I'm also guessing 10 is probably the minimum sustainable number of participants, given that not everyone is likely to be around all of the time. So, if I say this course will run from 1 October so long as there are at least 10 participants by then. Otherwise I might put it off indefinitely (or hand it over to someone else to organise). What do you think? Would that suit you? Would you like to try to run with less people? All comments welcome :)
    posted message: Hi Suzi, I was just looking at the first task - Introduce yourself, but don't seem to have any way to do so ether than this wall :) The only action that I seem to be able to take on the Introduce yourself page is to report abuse. Let me know if I've missed something, otherwise I'll create a bug for the p2pu crew.