This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Publish and promote!

Turn on your course, get the word out, get started.


Your tasks:

  • Post the URL of your live P2PU course.
  • Promote your course.
  • Apply for a Challenge Creator Badge.


Step 1: Flip the switch!

On the front page of your course, click "Edit Study Group" or "Edit Course."

Visit the "Status and Dates" menu in the admin interface, and uncheck the "Under development" check box. 
To being accepting participants, go to Sign Up option in the Admin menu, and choose whether you'd like the sign up to be completely open, moderated, or closed. 

Step 2: Own the blogosphere.

We're here to help you get the word out about your ridiculously sweet course. A few ways to get started with promotion:

  1. Contact the community list. We have a robust community Google group at Drop us a line and we'll spread the word!

  2. Featured course. Contact our Community Manager, Bekka Kahn for the opportunity to be the featured course on the site.
  3. Write a blog post. You can post to your own blog, or let Bekka know and we'll post it on ours!
  4. Google AdWords. If you're interested in running an ad campaign, think about a few potential ads and a bunch of keywords. You can contact and we'll go from there.



Task Discussion