posted message: Hi Folks! Hope this finds you well, and in the mood for another helping of P2PU :) Some News. We're trying a new course model called "Challenges." Why I'm Contacting You. Did you dig "Hack this Poem"? Make your own Challenge--it's very easy. Video How-to: Challenge support: On April 18, P2PU will be doing a large announcement of courses to the world. Can we make a Poetry Challenge happen? Join the weekly P2PU Community Call this Thursday, March 22 @ 11am EST for a special Course Organizers Session. The whole gang will be there ready to answer your burning questions. See: for all the details. Happy learning, Vanessa
posted message: Hi there folks--if you have other resources to find poems, please do add to "External Links." :-)
posted message: Hi y'all! Finally getting around to exploring the new site as I prep for the new poetry course "Poetry De/compsed." Can't wait to explore all the new features, and get my learnin' on.