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Get to Know the Hackasaurus X-Ray Goggles

Use the goggles to inspect and remix the HTML and CSS of any page.

Get to know the X-Ray Goggles, the primary Hackasaurus tool participants will use at your jam.

  1. First, make your first hack in three easy steps on the Hackasaurus website.
  2. Now install the goggles into your browser's bookmarks bar, which will let you use them to remix any web page.
  3. Visit any web page, activate the goggles on it by clicking on the bookmarklet, and remix that page.
  4. Finally, use the publish feature of the goggles to share your hacked page with your peers.

Copy and paste the url of your hack into the Task Discussion below.  Then, comment on 2 of your peers' remixes. Don't forget to apply for the HTML Decoder badge!

If you get stuck, check out this video, which shows everything in action.

Task Discussion