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Task 5: Share, and Share Alike [March 25, 2012, 4:24 a.m.]

Check out these resources on the application of content curation.

Jennifer Moss at Design.Reflect has shared 5 Ways to Use Content Curation with Students

Andy Dickinson has curated an introduction to Curation and Aggregation

Robin Good explores the intersection of marketing and curating content

Remember to Share the glory by giving credit to original content producers.

You have settled on a topic, vetted sources, explored curation tools, and produced commentaries that share your thoughts and editorial focus in the previous tasks. You now have a deliverable product that you can share links to and promote. However, you are not finished. Curation is an ongoing process. Keep tracking down new content and sharing your thoughts on it.  Share a link to your curated content below, and take a moment to also share any thoughts you have about content curation or the process of starting a curated list.