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Intervals & Tonal Degree Names - Part 3: Minor Intervals


Next we will be talking about minor intervals, like I said before a minor interval is when you lower a major interval by a half step. We will be talking about minor 2nds, 3rds, 6ths, and 7ths.


First the minor second. So since we know what a major 2nd is we can figure out quite easily what a minor 2nd is. For example a major 2nd using C would be D. So a minor 2nd from C would be Db. Hopefully that makes sense.

Here are all Minor 2nds:

·      A-Bb

·      A#-B

·      Ab-Bbb

·      B-C

·      B#-C#

·      Bb-Cb

·      C-Db

·      C#-D

·      Cb-Dbb

·      D-Eb

·      D#-E

·      Db-Ebb

·      E-F

·      E#-F#

·      Eb-Fb

·      F-Gb

·      F#-G

·      Fb-Gbb

·      G-Ab

·      G#-A

·      Gb-Abb

These are all a half step up from the first note.


The next minor interval is the minor 3rd. The minor third is seen a lot because of the minor chord, also because it is the 3rd scale degree in the minor scale which we will be going over later. You can also get a minor third from lowering the major 3rd interval by a half step.


Here are all Minor 3rds:

·      A-C

·      A#-C#

·      Ab-Cb

·      B-D

·      B#-D#

·      Bb-Db

·      C-Eb

·      C#-E

·      Cb-Ebb

·      D-F

·      D#-F#

·      Db-Fb

·      E-G

·      E#-G#

·      Eb-Gb

·      F-Ab

·      F#-A

·      Fb-Abb

·      G-Bb

·      G#-B

·      Gb-Bb

There are all the 1st - 3rd scale degree in a minor scale. They are also the 2nd to 4th scale degree in all major scales. Lastly they are a whole step and a half step away.


The next is the minor 6th. Similarly to the minor 2nd and 3rd the minor 6th can be made by lowering the major 6th interval by a half step.


Here are all minor 6ths:

·      A-F

·      A#-F#

·      Ab-Fb

·      B-G

·      B#-G#

·      Bb-Gb

·      C-Ab

·      C#-A

·      Cb-Abb

·      D-Bb

·      D#-B

·      Db-Bbb

·      E-C

·      E#-C#

·      Eb-Cb

·      F-Db

·      F#-D

·      Fb-Dbb

·      G-Eb

·      G#-E

·      Gb-Ebb

The minor 6th is 4 whole steps away. It is also a major 3rd if you flip it. Example: Instead of C-Ab, Ab-C.


The last is the minor 7th. Similar to all the rest it is as if you took a major 7th and lowered it by a half step.


Here are all minor 7ths:

·      A-G

·      A#-G#

·      Ab-Gb

·      B-A

·      B#-A#

·      Bb-Ab

·      C-Bb

·      C#-B

·      Cb-Bbb

·      D-C

·      D#-C#

·      Db-Cb

·      E-D

·      E#-D#

·      Eb-Db

·      F-Eb

·      F#-E

·      Fb-Ebb

·      G-F

·      G#-F#

·      Gb-Fb

The minor 7th is 5 whole steps away. It is also a whole step down if you flip it. It is also the to 5th to 4th scale degree in a major scale. Descending obviously. Example: F major scale descending: F, E, D, C, Bb, A, G, F. Remember that descending it 8, 7,6,5,4,3,2,1.


This sums up the minor 7ths. To recap once again to keep your mind fresh with these intervals! A major interval is mainly seen in major scales, a perfect interval is when you can flip them and they usually stay the same or mirrored. Major and minor intervals share the same number intervals and just change by a half step in tone. Perfect intervals are unisons, 4ths, 5ths and octaves. An augmented interval is a perfect or major interval that has been raised by a half step. A diminished interval is a minor or perfect interval that has been lowered by a half step.


Here are 4 pictures showing the minor 2nd, minor 3rd, minor 6th, and minor 7th.

The 1st picture showing all minor 2nds on treble and bass clef played one after another in each measure using half notes.

The 2nd picture showing all minor 3rds on treble and bass clef played one after another in each measure using half notes.

The 3rd picture showing all minor 6ths on treble and bass clef played one after another in each measure using half notes.

The 4th picture showing all minor 7ths on treble and bass clef played one after another in each measure using half notes.



HOMEWORK: Give me 2 examples of each type of minor interval! Either type it out or use finale to write them out!


The next task will talk about augmented intervals!

Task Discussion