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At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

    posted message: www.qtpcenter.com www.graphxmedia.ca
    posted message: have completed al;l tasks just that i have not been awarded badges because of reviews
    posted message: have completed al;l tasks just that i have not been awarded badges because of reviews
    posted message: I'm still waiting on reviews for the hosting badge. Any participants want to help me out? In the mean time I will do some reviewing of my own. https://p2pu.org/en/badges/hosting/submissions/4648/
    posted message: Here is my super basic hosting post: http://sosicblog.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/hosting-dns/
    posted message: it's definetly not easy to find a good company which is strong enough to handle the project but also personal enough to give you support for lob Windows Azureis very good also hetzner, 1&1 and fietz medien here is complete list of german providers http://www.webhostervergleich.org/
    posted message: Well, my friends, I've successfully moved my P2PU blog, The Visitor over to a previously registered domain. You're invited to drop by http://www.preclectic.com/visitor and leave feedback. Thanks! :-)
    posted message: Okay, new problem. I tried Yola.com and it won't let me edit the html info of my own page. It seems fucking ridiculous to me, considering I just paid 5 bucks a month for hosting, that I wouldn't be able to edit the html of my page, or write it in html. Did i throw my money down the drain? Pls Help, very frustrated :(
    posted message: I think I got it figured out :)
    posted message: Hi guys, Im having lots of trouble, mainly cos I have no idea whats going on. I got a domain with google, and I got hosting with Yola, I edited my DNS settings for the domain to direct to Yola's ip adress, but when I try to input this into Yola it says that my domain does not point to Yola. I dont know what I'm doing, but I spent 15 on this. Pls help give me some advice, maybe its just taking some time?
    posted message: My choice: https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/. Why? (in Spanish): http://elrevolucionista.wordpress.com/2012/04/28/school-of-webcraft-hosting-dns/
    posted message: Hello everyone, I have completed this task last month and have been checking back here weekly to review other's submissions but I am still waiting on a couple more reviews to receive the hosting badge, would you mind reviewing mine here please? http://p2pu.org/en/badges/hosting/submissions/91/
    posted message: Hello Guys, If you guys are interested to get a hosting - do check out my business. I'm currently learning HTML etc, but I've provided hosting for the past year. Do contact me if you require help or in need of purchasing domain/hosting. I'll set it up and guide you as well. Regards, Ryan.
    posted message: Hi, Please, can you give me some hints on the hosting you are using and what is your experience so far ? Thanks a lot, Seb

Badges you can earn in this challenge:

Your Webspace Badge Webmaking101 Basic Badge Beta Hero Badge Super Blogger Badge Helpful Feedback Badge Hosting Badge

Peers who have offered their help

Chloe John Britton Angelo lotos POUNDZ296 Ashish Gautam Karn Selena Eager2learn2 ManyCores Tamonten Joseph Kwasi Tornyenyor Ryan Guy Xizt v4lent1na Joby John KJ KimFernandez Holger Sinn Adri Alvar Eenvincible S Briggs Udara casman Tora Ali Mihandoost fgnjdfgdf Buzzy Patchy jamesweaver Ken Doman kaizer1v imRyan

Peers taking this challenge

Xorcindella Amy Busch nopak alexhascodex j Kairat Jeff Friend Cherif revsly2012 KaylaW Addi Live estrellame Jared Frenzel Some Guy in Baltimore Pachelbel117 tangjm Fost santhosh 07avr Dscherer21 captaincomputing Papayam Olivier De La Conception codecraftlab Oaxaca Gold Sarah Johnny van der Laan mostlybadfly Paula wyh4l84 GENTLE JACK guyrer Orpheus Alfredo E Sergio Romero Doug Belshaw patttymcfatty Sosic Thomas Kennt000t tbird KWhitmer leglenn USGuardian Attapit cybercomic eike93 Max vicky Bugman Cleo L.A Shedrack neurocrash wordalive Maggie

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