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Creative Commons and Intellectual Property (+Copyright) [June 3, 2012, 8:03 p.m.]

Hey there everyone, Bluebarker again,

Now for some serious things, we can't all be fun and games to quote a phrase. We wouldn't be good educators if we didn't talk about the importance of all these legal (yes they are official legal laws) surrounding the rights of use for yours and other peoples' property and understanding Fair Use. In the age of technology, social media, mobile access and such, content creation is a huge deal in both the digital world and the real world.

During this lesson we will discuss the specfics of the three and watch a fun educational film on Copyright, Creative Commons and Intellectual Property (and yes I said fun).

In addition to all of that I will discuss some lesson plans and sample courses for K-12 and higher education.

I do have some pre-requisites for you, several videos and websites for you to look at:

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