Learn anything, with your peers.

At P2PU, people work together to learn a particular topic by completing tasks, assessing individual and group work, and providing constructive feedback.

This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.

Activity Wall

    posted message: Hi everyone, Great to see the interest in this course! I set this up to gain experience implementing algorithms, but my personal need has evolved in a more theoretical direction. I will be coordinating Formal Reasoning in Computer Science [0] in lieu of this course for now. If anyone else is interested in running with THIS course (however you see fit), let me know and I can add you as a course organizer. Otherwise, if there is still interest I would be happy to run it at a later date. http://new.p2pu.org/en/groups/formal-reasoning-in-computer-science/
    posted message:

    New Site Hint: When you feel that the study group description is complete enough so other people understand its objectives, you can uncheck the "Under Development" box at http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/groups/[you-study-group]/edit/status/ . When you are ready to let other people post requests to become participants at http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/groups/[your-study-group]/content/sign-up/ , you can uncheck the "Sign-Up Closed" box at http://new.p2pu.org/en-US/groups/[you-study-group]/edit/status/ .