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Making a Real Impact: Final Task for the Class


This next challenge is to attempt to produce a piece of media that creates a real impact in the world and is distributed in a way that will get the work noticed

It could be to take one of the ideas that you have been developing over the last 6 weeks and taking it further or you can come up with an idea for a new piece of media.

You can work in any media that you feel will be suitable for making an impact (including a documentary, short film, facebook campaign, advert, sound piece, a news item, website, a poster campaign, sticker campaign).

This could involve the following:

1. Working with an organisation on a piece of promotional material. This is a good example

2. Development of one of your previous tasks and distributing it in a space where it is relevant (ie – so that people can see your work- so you need to consider how you will spread it around and build an audience, or connecting to an existing audience)

3. Producing a piece of viral media for a topical issue (for example doing something around the Leveson Inquiry or another issue that is in the news)

4. It could be anything (a documentary, short film, facebook campaign, advert, sound piece, a news item, website, a poster campaign, sticker campaign etc etc) but the important point is that you should aim to MAKE A REAL IMPACT WITH YOUR WORK by attempting to get it seen, distributed and put into a professional context if possible (could be an art gallery, online campaign, a screening to others etc etc)

The important point is though that you should attempt to create an impact with your work. Getting people to see it so that it might actually make a small difference to something you feel passionate about.

For this project you will need to consider the following:

  1. What area you want to focus on (do you want to raise money for a charity, do you want to raise awareness of an important issue, do you want to reveal a truth that is hidden from the world, do you want to ridicule the media by creating a meme or spoof story etc etc)

  2. What form you would like to use to do this (a transmedia project, a documentary, within social media, through video or short film, a web campaign etc etc)

  3. How you are going to measure the impact of the project you do (is it about getting a particular person or group to recognise something, do you want as many people as possible to share and spread the idea, what will define success for your campaign?

  4. How are you going to get it to the people that matter (can you use digital media, social media or do you have a more creative idea for spreading your message, how are you going to get people talking about it)

  5. Share and Post your experiences of this task to the Creative Activism Community by using the #creativact hashtag in your blog, on twitter and on the ideas that you create

Task Discussion