posted message: Welcome, everyone! It's almost the end of January. What are you making? I see that many of you are interested in digital storytelling, so I've posted some new ideas on that page. Tell us a story! (It doesn't have to be long.)
posted message: How's everyone doing with their novels? Did the prep help? ;) I'm at 22,000 words and looking forward to hitting the halfway point (hopefully tomorrow).
posted message: There will be a #connectedpd Twitter chat at 9am tomorrow (Fri., Nov. 2) to talk about K12 Online. Join us if you can!
posted message: I've really enjoyed this group. Thank you all for participating. I've made some great new friends + deepened relationships w/others. I'd like to invite all of you to participate in future P2PU groups or even to start your own. I hope that we will all stay "connected." Best way to do that for me in Twitter, where I'm @kfasimpaur. Keep up your great work + STAY CONNECTED!
posted message: I really enjoyed the webinar on Sat. with Sheri Edwards and Denise Krebs. The archive, links, and more are here.
posted message: Webinar here in 30 minutes with Sheri Edwards and Denise Krebs: Extend the Conversation! Hope you can join us, but if not, we'll post a link of the recording.
posted message: If you are "following" this course and would like to join in the conversation, just click "participate" so you can post!
posted message: Welcome to everyone! If there's anything I can do to help make your experience this month here better, don't hesitate to contact me via P2PU message or at karen at k12opened dot com.

Also, I'd like to ask everyone to think about educators you know who aren't connected and what we might do to include them in this month's activities and in the broader connected community. To me, that would be an amazing thing to accomplish!
posted message: Welcome to this Connected Educator group. This may be different from other groups on P2PU or elsewhere. There is a list of topics ("tasks" shown on the top of the group's main page, as well as on the lower left ) that you can pick + choose to participate in however you like. There is no particular schedule for how to participate, though each topic will also have a list of "live" events like webinars that you might opt to attend. We hope that this will be a place for engaging discussions about being a connected educator, how we can get others involved, + a variety of other topics like the first 6 wks of school, sharing online, + others (including ones you suggest). Thanks for sharing with us!
posted message: It's hard to believe our time together in this group is over already. I just want to thank everyone who was here and say I learned a lot. If you could take a couple minutes to complete this evaluation, we'd greatly appreciate it.

We hope to see you in another P2PU group soon. The Connected Educator group starts next week. It's a pretty flexible group. Participate in any of the conversations anytime you want in August.
posted message: We're getting geared up for Connected Educator month to start next month. There's a Connected Educator month book club going on here. And some kick-off events here.
posted message: We had a great hangout last night. Thanks so much to everyone who was a part of it. Here is the archive.
posted message: Our last Google hangout for this group in in 30 minutes at 5pm Pacific . If you didn't get an invite + want to attend, message me at

Also, here is the link to watch the live stream.
posted message: The archive of yesterday's webinar has been posted under the Webinars task.
posted message: We'll be having a webinar today at 6:00pm Eastern/3:00pm Pacific. Here is the link.
posted message: You can watch our live web gathering here NOW. If you want to join us in the hangout, Add Karen Fasimpaur in G+. (I'm the only one of my kind.:) Otherwise, watch the stream on YouTube and chat with us there. We'll be starting in about 10 minutes.
posted message: We are live online HERE right now if you'd like to join us.
posted message: We are off to a rocking start to this group! Please note that if you are a "follower" of this course, you can see what we are doing but won't be able to post and participate with us. So we invite you all to click PARTICIPATE to be an active part of our conversations.
<.br> Also, we'll be having our first web meeting this Wed., July 11 at 5pm Pacific/8pm Mountain. Check here for the link at that time. Hope to see you then.