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Webinars will be Tuesdays at 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) beginning on Oct. 4.

Links for our web meeting rooms:

Attendee login:

Moderator login:

(Anyone is welcome to log in as a moderator. It will give you access to more tools. Just please don't change the slides if you aren't presenting. :)

Please use headphones for the webinars! (They cut down on feedback.)

You may also use this room for your own web meetings if you'd like.

Here is the schedule for our webinars:

Tues., Oct. 4, 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) - Webinar #1 -General conversation to get acquainted, share experiences, ask questions, exchange ideas, talk about collaborations, etc.

Tues., Oct. 11, 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) - Webinar #2 - Expert Panel - What works and what doesn't?
This webinar will include several online course facilitator experts and will give participants a chance to ask questions about what works best in online and blended learning.

This webinar will feature:

  • Matt Renfroe works as an Instructional Design Manager for Florida Virtual School, the nation's largest public virtual school.  In existence for 15 years, FLVS served over 200,000 half-credit enrollments last year. 
  • DeLaina Tonks is the Director of the award-winning Open High School of Utah.  Open High School gathers existing Open Educational Resources, then augments with teacher-created materials aligned to state standards for their entire curriculum, then publicly releases it under a Creative Commons license.
  • Jason Neiffer is the Curriculum Director of  Montana Digital Academy, where he has led 75 teachers in developing, adapting and delivering over 50 courses to nearly 5500 enrollments from over 175 schools across Big Sky Country. 

Tues., Oct. 18, 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) - Online PD for Teachers

  • Experiments, visions, hopes, and experiences

Tues., Oct. 25, 5pm EDT (2pm PDT) - Webinar #4 - Online learning showcase
This webinar will give participants a chance to show what they're working on and exchange ideas with others.

Recordings of previous sessions:

Oct. 4 webinar

chat log


Oct. 11 webinar

DeLaina Tonk's slides

Jason  Neiffer's slides

chat log

Other liinks:

Open High School of Utah

Montana Digital Academy

Florida Virtual School


Oct. 18 webinar

This session was a discussion of online professional development for teachers. Some of the topics for discussion included:

  • What strengths and unique opportunities does online PD offer? What are the best ways to capitalize on those?
  • What weaknesses and challenges does online PD offer? How can those be overcome?
  • How can "mainstream" teachers (beyond edtech early adopters) be enticed to participate?
  • What role do incentives such as stipends and formal credit play? How important are these?
  • How can self-directed peer learning be encouraged?

chat log

Task Discussion

  • Nan Lynnette   Oct. 14, 2011, 11:30 a.m.

    Availability of Moodle 2:

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    Martin in black and white
    Moodle 2.1 has been released!
    by Martin Dougiamas - Monday, 4 July 2011, 05:54 AM

    Moodle kids on an iPhoneHi!

    I'm very pleased to announce the release of Moodle 2.1, which became available in packaged form from the Moodle download page on July 1, or can be accessed directly from our git repository or one of our CVS mirrors.

    This is the first of our releases made with our new development process which emphasises release dates over features.  As a result it's right on schedule, but a few features we'd hoped to include were not quite finished in time.

    You can read more on the Moodle 2.1 release notes, but the major new features are:

    • A whole new question engine (used by quizzes, for example), which makes questions more robust and will enable developers to create all kinds of interesting question types in the future.  Some interesting new features like Certainty-Based Marking have also been added.  Huge thanks are due to Tim Hunt and Open University for all their work on this.
    • Restoring of Moodle 1.9 backups is now possible!  Thanks to Moodlerooms for their help in some of the key parts of the core work and to the HQ team for the rest.  This was a very complex thing to build due to the many changes between 1.9 and 2.x.  Note that only course content in core modules is restored: if you use other activity modules then you need to ask (or help) the developers of those modules to add the new module restore code (thanks to the design this is not a huge task to implement).
    • Moodle 2.1 now directly supports mobile apps for some functions.  The new Moodle app for iPhone (by Moodle HQ) will be released soon (followed by an Android version later) and these require the secure web services of Moodle 2.1 or later.  In addition, there is direct support for mobile-specific Moodle Themes and automatic detection of mobile browsers.
  • karen   Oct. 14, 2011, 1:27 p.m.
    In Reply To:   Nan Lynnette   Oct. 14, 2011, 11:30 a.m.

    I'm using this new release for the math unit remix. So far so good!