This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.


We've reached the end of this course. I know that your work may not be done on the materials you set out to create (curriculum development is an iterative process that never really ends).

These course materials will remain posted here indefinitely

I'd like to invite you all to continue to be involved with the P2PU and the School of Ed. Take another course or join a study group. Consider co-organizing a future iteration of this course or another one on P2PU. (Remember, you don't have to be an "expert" to facilitate a course in a peer learning environment like this.) Put together your own course or study group. Organize a cadre of participants at your school site. Suggest a new course or new features for P2PU.

And please do stay in touch with me and with your classmates here.

The possibilities are endless, and P2PU thrives because of the contribution of folks like you! Sharing is good!

hands on work iconReflect on your work in this course. Write a post that addresses any of these questions or others you think are important. (As always, you may post a comment or link to a post on your own blog, if you like.)

  • What did you accomplish in this course? How will your students benefit?
  • What surprised you in this course?
  • How did the peer learning aspect of this course work for you? What are the best ways to foster peer collaboration?



hands on work icon

Finally, please complete the course evaluation in the last task to help us improve this course and others in the P2PU School of Ed. Thanks!

Task Discussion