Beverly Gay McCarter is an architect/designer of 3D Immersive Virtual Spaces, whose company, Human Mosaic Systems, LLC, is located in Cary, NC (Research Triangle Park).
She received her M.S. degree in Counseling Psychology and Human Systems from Florida State University, and her M.F.A. in Studio Art from the Memphis College of Art. Ms. McCarter is published in the field of Complexity; she is also certified in the areas of Self Organizing Systems for Complex Environments (Center for Self-Organizing Leadership), as well as in Virtual Worlds (University of Washington).
Her “Maya Astronomy Center, Phases 1 & 2” is a finalist in the upcoming 2012 Federal Virtual Worlds Challenge - the winners will be announced at GameTech in Orlando this March 29, 2012.
Ms. McCarter recently moved to the RTP area from DC where she worked with the National Defense University (managing the Federal Consortium for Virtual Worlds) and the Smithsonian Institute.
SL: Bev Landar SL: HMS Center Region 199/ 168/ 136