Curator Badge

The Curator badge is awarded to Peers who demonstrates the use of good curation techniques when collecting and organizing information from the web.


The required skills for the Peer to earn the Curator badge are:

- The ability to set up a curation platform (e.g., Pinterest, Tumblr, or any site of the Peer’s choosing)

- Citing sources or giving credit to the original content creators through the inclusion of links or “hat tips.”

- Adding value to curated items by writing editorials, juxtaposing items in the collection, annotating articles, contextualizing information, or critiquing the curated item.

Other badges you can apply for:

Peers that have received this badge:

Christopher Crawford firewire2879 Paula mixmaxmin Celia Luis kgalls v4lent1na Forsure Yunome

This badge can be earned at these Challenges:

Curating Content Challenge

Peers that are applying for this badge:

9 Awarded, 2 Pending