
Stephen Wheeler

I guess I've come to the end of this challenge - though my learning, of course, is only just beginning.

I've been into the idea of Edupunk for a long time without knowing what to call it, so it's good to have a challenge like this to put some structure to the idea, and Anya kamenetz's books, The Edupunk Guide and DIY U, have been invaluable.

As part of this challenge I have defined my path and created a plan of my proposed learning, which you can see at Visible Darkness, a website I built in Wordpress as a space to contain my work in an organized way.

Here you can also see a mind map of my initial Personal Learning Network - I'm sure this grow as I progress with my learning.

From this PLN I plan to nurture ongoing relationships that will, I hope, evolve into mentorship.

The next step is, of course, to get on with it and start progressing along my road to success.

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