
Comment summary In response to
Dear Unrhuley Okay really | Dear Unrhuley Okay really quick cats don't... 2 days 59 min ago in response to Do cats become more awesome as they lose lives?
Dear ConnorM I think this | Dear ConnorM I think this world is just pretty... 2 days 1 hour ago in response to Do cats become more awesome as they lose lives?
Dear Jadelubeck: I like that | Dear Jadelubeck: I like that you wrote about this... 1 week 1 hour ago in response to Free running/parkour
Dear 11colladoj: I like that | Dear 11colladoj: I like that you are writing... 1 week 1 day ago in response to Dracula vs. Twilight
Dear Smckens753:I am glad | Dear Smckens753: I am agree you wrote about a... 1 week 2 days ago in response to Hitting Girls: Wrong or O.K.?
Amen to no more losing work | Amen to no more losing work aka Fitz lolss 1 week 3 days ago in response to First Day of school
Thank you for committing on | Thank you for committing on my post dawgs :3.... 1 week 3 days ago in response to First Day of school
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