

Comment summary In response to
You have good points but as | You have good points but as for my research these... 3 days 23 hours ago in response to The Barack Obama Illuminati Connection
Thanks I put a lot of time | Thanks I put a lot of time into my research and... 4 days 4 min ago in response to The Barack Obama Illuminati Connection
Hey Sean Thanks a lot I tried | Hey Sean Thanks a lot I tried to do as much... 1 week 4 days ago in response to The Barack Obama Illuminati Connection
Your topic actually can be | Your topic actually can be related to mines,... 1 week 5 days ago in response to Research on Money for survival
I can completely relate, and | I can completely relate, and to know that feeling... 2 weeks 19 hours ago in response to Too Little Too Late
I found this post interesting | I found this post interesting for two reasons.... 2 weeks 19 hours ago in response to Graffiti: Art or a Crime?
Celebraties | I find this very interesting, you maybe the next... 2 weeks 22 hours ago in response to Celebrity interest in my topic
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