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El Apagon & My Version Of El Apagon | El Apagon, Was a play that took place in new york city. Around the time of the blackout that occurred in 1965. The play was about a man by the named of Jose Luis Gonzalez who is a puerto rican, That... Added on Wednesday, January 2, 2013 - 11:05, with 0 comment(s)
A Place To Stand - Jimmy views on himself | Something has caught my eye in a pattern in books is that its always depends on the genre of books. If its a drama book you would expect a lot of climaxes throughout the book and suspense. Another... Added on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 11:59, with 0 comment(s)
A Place To Stand | So i’ve been reading this book a place to stand, It been good so far it reminds me a lot of the child called it. I’m thinking about how his mother could abandon her own two kids for a white man.... Added on Tuesday, December 18, 2012 - 10:59, with 0 comment(s)
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