Karina, your work on this essay is exemplary.I really appreciate the presistence and effort you showed in doing each step, and in not ever giving up until it was finished. I think this is the best work you can do on a topic that you care a lot about.
It will be instructive for other students (and teachers learning about these methods) to see how your ideas evolved from the first freewrite, into the first revision, through the building of "quote sandwiches" and blowing us away with a collage of all your work.
In addition I love the way you even included a comment made by a peer on a post you published of an early draft of this essay. Her question might suggest where you might go next with this inquiry.
In the next level, I hope you explore different economies. For example, you might look into the sharing economic ideas in some parts of India or into the way barter and sharing are important parts of the open computing community. The point is that money is important, but maybe there are alternatives.
I'll help you find resources and more people to interview on the next level of these challenges.