HTML Decoder Badge

The Decoder badge recognizes the ability to remix a webpage using the Hackasaurus XRay Goggles.


More than 2 peers -- by an average rating of 3 -- have said that you can remix a webpage using the Hackasaurus XRay Goggles.

Other badges you can apply for:

Peers that have received this badge:

BobChao LainieD Landon Borders KiL89 xzorzist joel skr Jay Tawnee Richard wfriebel Buzzy Phil Klassen Chris Dillon Spencer G Inkbug Matthew Rachansky jpribesh Tora Aditya Situmeang Ben Dyson nexx Daniel Knobelsdorf Rodolfo Aguirre

This badge can be earned at these Challenges:

Organize A Hackasaurus Jam Challenge Get To Know The Hackasaurus Xray Goggles Challenge

Peers that are applying for this badge:

83 Awarded, 28 Pending