Super Blogger
Super Blogger



I have learned that text editors such as Notepad++ truly help the coder give ease and convenience in coding and editing markups and code snippets for their projects. There are different types of text editors out there, however for me, being a Notepad++ user for the past 6-7 years, it seems that the default features are similar to one another that I find it pointless in to replacing the program I have been using for a long time with a new alternative.

I learned that Notepad++ is highly customizable to your preferences, provide an array of default features, compatible with hundreds of programming languages in general, and a whole lot more. The program may look very simple as it is with the regular Notepad on Windows PC computers, however with its automatic color-coded and blocking features on certain characters and other useful features, using a text editing program is highly recommended for all programmers/coders of all levels.

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