Project Velox

Working on this app, we learned about the TinyDB function and the use and availability of databases in general. We also became more familiar with the concept of non-visible components on working screens. And of course, with every app we 'build', we become more familiar with the functions, categories, and possibilities of App Inventor and the Blocks Editor. 

We completed the 'No Text While Driving' tutorial via a Google+ hangout rather than in person- one individual was responsible for formatting in App Inventor and Blocks Editor while the others watched the screen and gave directions, locating buttons and correcting mistakes. The team was well-organized in this and the process was no slower than if it had been done in person. Thus, apart from what we learnt of programming, we learnt more about working together effectively as a team, under any conditions.

We deserve this badge because each team member contributed equally to the work involved; when one or the majority did not understand, another explained. When one or a few could not follow, the others stepped back and made sure we were all on the same page. Considering the work put in and the results achieved, a badge seems like a fair reward.

Link to work submitted


  • Received 1 reviews of the 1 reviews needed.
