I like that people used some extra commands to improve their code. I have never used python before today so strating to see some additional commands and where they fit in was great. I was originally going to add the line after the title using print "" but using \n seems more elegant.
Using capitalize() and lower() to ensure the words fit into the poem with the correct case is handy.
I also liked the concept of title() however found limitations with how it handles apostrophes. However this was also good as it prompted me to look for a solution and learn about using string.capwords instead. For anyone wanting to use this command if you also want to use \n they will need to be outside the command. e.g:
import string
print "\n", string.capwords("Roses Are " + first_name + "'s best friend?!?!"), "\n"
Brylie's use of an if statement and Landon's demonstration of functions will no doubt come in handy furth down the track.
Anyway enough of me babbling on.....here is my code:
#Gather user input
first_name = raw_input("Tell me your first name, and press enter. ").capitalize()
adjective1 = raw_input("Tell me an adjective, and press enter. ").lower()
noun1 = raw_input("Tell me a noun (plural), and press enter. ").capitalize()
noun2 = raw_input("Tell me a singular noun, and press enter. ").capitalize()
adjective2 = raw_input("Tell me an another adjective, and press enter. ").lower()
#Display title
print "\nRoses Are " + first_name + "'s Best Friend?!?!\n"
#Display poem with users input
print "Roses are " + adjective1
print noun1 + " are blue"
print noun2 + " is " + adjective2
print "And so are you!"