This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Task: Context Clues

Providing a contextual framework keeps a list from devolving into a link farm and adds value to the community.

Adding commentary in the form of occasional blog-type posts add value to your curated content by providing an editorial focus for your curated list. Commentary can come in the form of a response to one of the articles, a post that ties seemingly unrelated curated pieces together, or original research on the topic.

If you are uncomfortable writing original content or need extra practice, then check out the P2PU challenge Writing for the Web

Most curation tools include features that let you write a post of original content, however, you could always write it as a Wordpress or Tumblr post and then curate it like any other post.

Paula at Curating Content for Online Education has suggested adding value to your curated content by critiquing the original post, contextualizing the original information by relating it to other posts, and expanding the idea of the original post by using it as a "jumping off" point to continue a conversation.


Write your first post as a statement of purpose and share it below.

example of a short statement of purpose: This site will curate content related to First Amendment Establishment Clause cases appearing before the Supreme Court of the United States. The Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion." Over time, the Supreme Court's interpretation of the clause has changed. In addition to current news stories, original court documents from Westlaw and historic legal journals will also be explored

Task Discussion

  • v4lent1na said:

    The aim of my online collaborative creative writing project is to provide both writers and readers resources to enrich their knowledge and skills in this field as well as insight on great writer's workflow through such channels as BrainPicking by Maria Popova.

    on Aug. 3, 2013, 4:20 p.m.
  • Forsure Yunome said:

    Initial Posting

    I did all this almost a month ago but didn't quite finish up the course. Don't see my original comment for this task however this is the link to the post I wrote that day when I started the new blog intended for my open education scribblings.

    on May 7, 2013, 4:15 p.m.
  • Leonie McGlashan said:

    The editorial for my pearltree


    Resources for secondary science teaching/learning at Keysborough Secondary College, with a focus on Victorian resources and the Australian curriculum. Pearls are divided into science topics, pedagogy, curriculum, research, useful technologies, webcraft, and citizen science and more.

    on Jan. 23, 2013, 4:57 a.m.
  • kgalls said:

    I am currently developing my Pinterest boards and a blog. I am beginning to explore PearlTrees. As my journey continues, I will either commit to one of these platforms or continue to develop them all (in different ways?).

    This board/blog is dedicated to curating content relating to technology in education. It will focus on the following tools, which I have in my classroom: 1:1 iPads, interactive whiteboard, projector, AppleTV, MacBook, two Apple desktop computers, and Inspire (Promethean's interactive presentation software). I will also focus on how these pieces of technology can be used for the specific courses that I teach, Spanish 1, Pre-Algebra, and Algebra 1. I will include lesson plans that incorporate these features.

    on Nov. 25, 2012, 2:53 p.m.
  • Luis said:

    Although I'm using Instapaper and Delicious, I've decided to put the statement of purpose in Pearltrees (since it's going to be the main element for curating the topic I want to research). Here it is my statement of purpose:

    "This pearl is dedicated to gather and curate different sources and contents related to the Tragedy of the Commons from a AI research perspective. 

    The Tragedy of the Commons represents a challenge to be solved in many situations (e.g., natural resources, city sustainability, society development...) and it is a relevant topic nowadays.
    Some of the branches are dedicated to explore models that implement the Tragedy or approaches taken (e.g., game theory, multi-agents...). Also interesting papers as well as any useful material have space in this pearltree."
    on Nov. 1, 2012, 8:05 p.m.
  • firewire2879 said:

    I have 2 wordpress websites and a twitter, pinterest account.

    I shall critque images of fall along with commenting on each picture and the images may relate to each other.
    Pinterest is great for big bold titles and small descriptions of images
    I will be using my pinterest site and BagTheWeb for my presentation

    as a start to my presentation:

    "This presentation curates content regarding the best places to photograph fall foliage pictures in the northeast.

    I have examined and found very colorful pictures from the northeast corner of the United States. I will give the names of towns and the names of landscapes such as bridges, backroads, landmarks, etc. In addition, I will list the best photographic supplies to bring with you on your travels, in order to take the best shots."

    on Sept. 25, 2012, 1:54 a.m.
  • Paula said:


    The context clues are nicely explained here. Certainly curation without any kind of value is no curation at all but a list of items.

    Allow me to expand a bit about the value curation can add to information. What ways are there to “add value” when curating content? Besides comment, there are other activities, like relate, contextualize, expand, interpret, critique…

    This is the ideal situation, sometimes you may not have the time or a certain piece of information may not appeal for an added value, and it’s also OK, I suppose, to aggregate a link.

    I loved the example given of a short statement of purpose. I think I’ve tried to do the same for a Storify topic (, because I don’t see myself as having great writing skills - there are so many people who write so amazingly, that one feels that everything we might say is redundant.   

    on July 17, 2012, 1:36 p.m.

    Christopher Crawford said:

    Great suggestions on other ways to "add value."

    on July 18, 2012, 8:18 a.m. in reply to Paula
  • katiebelle63 said:

    I have a wordpress account and a pinterest account. I will be setting about expanding my out reach with both these pages and taking the writing for the web course. 

    on June 19, 2012, 2:32 p.m.

    Paula said:


    Hello, Katiebelle63,

    Pinterest is interesting to start using short comments or explanations about the images we pin. wink

    on July 17, 2012, 1:38 p.m. in reply to katiebelle63
  • fboss said:

    As a teacher of Art to second-level students (12-18 years) I will use my Pinterest site to gather together and curate images and videos around the styles of Art and famous artists that I will be teaching about.

    As I can have more than one type of board for my Pins, I will also branch out into other areas of interest, such as ICT & videos on Education in general.


    on June 17, 2012, 11:58 p.m.
  • Doug Worsham said:

    Here's a draft statement of purpose:

    A collection of practical tips for facilitating effective and enaging online discussions.

    on May 10, 2012, 3:24 p.m.
  • atypican said:

    The purpose of this publication (Free Press Bible) is not to determine what you will keep in your collection. Rather it is to encourage you to personalize your collection with material regarded as valuable by you. The promotional publication debates are only an example of how collaborating with others can help in the creation of a rich and useful collection. Whether or not specific content is worthy of inclusion in the "promotional release" of Free Press Bible will be determined by public debate at Evaluating the content of your own personal collection can be done in a manner of your choosing.

    on April 29, 2012, 6:02 p.m.
  • Christopher Crawford said:

    Here is the about page from blog where I curate content related to Godzilla, other big monsters, and geeky Japanese action shows.

    In addition to the occasional Frequently Asked Questions and the Answers that I give my Family and Friends this blog is also where I curate content related to Daikaiju (big monsters) including the King of Monsters, Godzilla. I also branch out into tokusatsu (live action shows that usually feature superheroes) and Henshin (transformation, where a normal person changes into a hero).

    on March 20, 2012, 10:27 p.m.