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Learning from the Masters & Peers

Now that you have made your creation, go learn more from others. Passionate makers created lego armies, rockets, minecrafts and more


Tinkercad has this great feature that let you copy any public object and tinker / play with it! You will be amazed to find out how artistists and creators have used very simple shapes and concepts to create exoardinary things. For example, one artistist created an amazing candy tray with a lot of curves and patterns. It turned out that he used the egg hole shape! Take one object that you like, and tinker play with it, deface it or create something and post the screenshot here.

Be sure to take a close look at how the thing was created! Hint, select all and click ungroup, continue to use this feature to see what componets are put together  - a mash of positive and negative space that created a beautiful object or component.

In your comment, attach a screenshot and be sure to explain why you like or decided to tinker this item, and what is really cool that you have discovered

If you are using other software, take a look at and see what has been done with that software. Research and record comments on the website discover any explanations of how they are done. 

Highly recommend on this one, because the copy & tinkering function is a great emphasis and it is an amazing way to be inspired and create - standing on the shoulder of giants.

Task Discussion

  • applejux said:

    so I tinkered this template and just added my punched nickname to it. here's the result.

    on Dec. 13, 2012, 4:27 p.m.
  • Leonie McGlashan said:

    Can't copy without upgrading.....would like to complete this but its expensive.

    on Nov. 7, 2012, 4:09 a.m.
  • zoro said:

    on Sept. 2, 2012, 12:11 a.m.
  • Yantho said:

    I really like this bishop chess piece:

    I found the way the "mouth" indent was created using the hole created by the triangle based prism.  I think that is where some experience will really come into play with future designs - realizing when to use negative space instead of more positive space.  I used that in my table design, but with the bishop, it is a much more interesting effect with how the straight angles of the negative space interact with the dome curve of positive space.  Now I kind of want to build a chess set.

    on Aug. 16, 2012, 11:41 p.m.

    dilys said:

    neat! i experimented with this using my "salmon" design completely experimental.



    on Aug. 29, 2012, 12:31 a.m. in reply to Yantho
  • Javier del Álamo said:

    Since I use OpenSCAD is so easy to know how things are created, because you can read the code and understand step by step how the creator think that thing.

    As an example of things created with OpenSCAD I want to show this and this

    on July 16, 2012, 7:49 a.m.