Kareena said:
Anything that flows the easiest at the time
War overseas and at our border, any cruelty, Politicians, dealers, small business owners, I try to touch bases with all forms of news- so I am pretty open to anything
This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at community.p2pu.org if that is a problem.
Carleen Reid
Photography, Audio, Video, Text
Caribbean Identity, Third World Participation in Global Economies, Caribbean Masculinities and Women
Anything that flows the easiest at the time
War overseas and at our border, any cruelty, Politicians, dealers, small business owners, I try to touch bases with all forms of news- so I am pretty open to anything
Nicole Rhoads
Web/graphic design
Animal cruelty, environment, education, media reform, food supply, open source (software and ideas)
Welcome Matt! Do you have any aspirations for this course?
This class focuses on group collaboration. Please recruit a couple of people in your community to form a production crew.