Use this forum as a space to ask and answer general questions about App Inventor.
For example:
if you are having trouble setting up App Inventor
if you can't get your Blocks Editor to open
if you need to use a feature of App Inventor in your app that hasn't been covered in one of our tutorials
For questions about specific tutorials, you can post them on the corresponding thread. This forum is for general questions about App Inventor that do not pertain to specific tutorials. Please help the community by answering some questions, too!
Additional Resources
The App Inventor team at MIT is dedicated to improving App Inventor to best suit your needs. So if you ran into any problems while using App Inventor, let us know by sending us an email. Try to be as specific as possible, include screen shots, when the problem would occur, and if your app crashed, please attach the source code.
You can also send an email if you have any suggestions on how to make a feature better, any components you would like to be added to App Inventor, how to make using it more ntuitive etc.
Send all emails to with the subject line: "App Inventor Feedback" and we will make sure they get it!
Would you like to merge two projects together in App Inventor? Kate Feeney created this Merger tool as part of her master's thesis last year at Mills College. It's a wonderful way for a team to develop their app collaboratively, because you can have one student developing a screen in one project, and another student developing a different screen in another project, simultaneously. As long as these two projects (screens) are created within the same App Inventor account, you can merge them together with this tool.
Here are the instructions. Please email if you would like us to send you the Merger .jar file so that you can use this tool. We aren't able to post it online but we can email it to you.