This course will become read-only in the near future. Tell us at if that is a problem.

Summer Internships

Use this space to coordinate summer internships between Technovation students and mentors.

Are you a Technovation student looking for a summer internship? Or a mentor looking to have a talented intern for the summer? This space is designed to facilitate communication between intern-candidates and employers. 

Students can post a comment with a brief summary of their skills and qualifications, and mentors can reach out to students to set up an interview or ask for further information. 


Students, please use the following format when posting about yourself:


City, State


What I'm looking for in an internship:


Task Discussion

  • mvergara said:

    Have you announced the winners? Where can I find this information?

    -Marina Vergara

    on April 19, 2013, 1:19 p.m.

    JennaB said:

    Hi Marina, Teams have been notified via the e-mail provided in their submission. We will officially announce all winners once we have San Francisco completely judged. Thanks! Jenna On Fri, Apr 19, 2013 at 12:19 PM, mvergara <
    on April 19, 2013, 2:17 p.m. in reply to mvergara
  • The Scholars said:

    Hey, sorry to interrupt everyone, but we are the Scholars from New York. We were known as The Avengers before, but we changed our team name and we haven't recieved any feedback from any of the judges on our app even though we got an email confirming our submission. Have all the apps been judged yet? Thank you

    on April 18, 2013, 5:52 p.m.
  • annalise said:

    Hey everyone! Congratulations on finishing your projects this year, we are so impressed with your hard work and innovative ideas.

    We came across something you should all apply for: The Tech Awards. They give cash prizes for innovative uses of technology, and you are all eligible under the "Young Innovators" category. The application deadline is May 1st, so we hope you will all apply for it!


    on April 18, 2013, 2:20 p.m.
  • Margaret Butler said:

    Hi Technovation participants!

    The very first Technovation Challenge inspired me to create my own company.  Each summer since then I have recruited interns for my company from the participants.  If you are interested in interning with my company please visit:  and fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

    My company, Innovaspire, builds mobile applications that enable you to study by playing games with your friends.  We have two apps on the market (iOS, Google Play, and Windows Phone) and have constant activity in app development and social media outreach.

    Some of the projects can easily be done remotely, others require presence at our office in San Carlos, CA.  For example, knowledge curation is a task that can easily be done remotely; this involves creating the content used in our games; since our content is geared toward high school students, you are ideal curators!

    This summer we will be creating an ambassador program to help spread the word about our apps and how they can make learning more fun.

    If you are interested, please visit our web-site to learn more.  Thanks!  And congratulations on finishing the Technovation Challenge.


    Margaret Butler, Ph.D.

    Founder & CEO


    Revolutionizing learning by blurring the line between play and study




    on April 16, 2013, 6:18 p.m.

    Angelica said:

    Margaret, what an inspiring story and unique opportunity for Technovation participants! Thank you for sharing with our teams. We would love to hear about any Technovation girls' experience working with Innovaspire.

    on April 18, 2013, 5:39 p.m. in reply to Margaret Butler

    Columbia Area Career Center "G33kyGirls" said:

    Angela, we are only getting some of the responses. Some must be occurring off line or directly to the user. Can you advise if the teams have been choosen. Thanks Laura
    on April 18, 2013, 5:56 p.m. in reply to Angelica
  • Nathalia Goes said:


    Name: Nathalia Goes

    City, State: Santos, São Paulo (Brazil)


    - Senior in High School
    - Currently a member of a Technovation 2013 team
    - Good at math and physics
    - Speak English fluently

    What I'm looking for in an internship:

    I really want to learn more about programming and entrepreneurship, two things that I got very interested after the Technovation Challenge. I adore math, physics and chemistry, so I would love to know as much as I can about  working in STEM fields. I also love learning new things.

    I'm available in December January and July.



    on April 15, 2013, 11:07 p.m.
  • ClaireNoble said:


    Name: Claire Noble

    City, State: Albany, CA (SF Bay Area)


    -High School Junior going on Senior

    -Current Member of Technovation Project 2013

    -Experince in JavaScript

    What I'm looking for in an internship:

    I would like more exposure to Computer Sciences and Programming, I would like to learn other aspects of Technology that I have yet to be exposed to. I am also intrested in the medical applications of technology,  I enjoy Maths (specifically Algebra) and Sciences (interested in Biology). I am also a visual learner, I learn the most after watching how others do things and often apply these skills to other activities. I am open to learn anything new and interesting.

    on April 13, 2013, 9:06 p.m.

    Sean Morris said:

    Claire if you need a reference please use me. It has been my pleasure to watch you be you over the last two years. I hope you are taking web next year.
    on April 13, 2013, 9:12 p.m. in reply to ClaireNoble

    ClaireNoble said:


    I'm really excited for web next year, when I walk in I see some of your web students doing stuff and it looks pretty interesting.

    on April 13, 2013, 9:25 p.m. in reply to Sean Morris
  • Anonym said:


    I was just wondering, is this strictly restricted to summer internships, or is it possible for a company  to allow you to intern during the school year?


    on April 12, 2013, 7:17 a.m.

    annalise said:

    Either one is fine :)


    on April 12, 2013, 11:16 a.m. in reply to Anonym
  • Northgate Technovation said:

    Name: Alix Katague

    City, State: Walnut Creek, CA (Bay Area)


    -I am a high school senior, currently a member of a Technovation team

    -In the fall, I will be attending UCLA as a physics major

    -Strong math and physics background

    -Experience with 3D computer designing (Autodesk Inventor)

    What I'm looking for in an internship:

    Experience working in STEM fields. I want to explore possible career paths, preferably something that involves engineering and/or physics (environmental research would be great, too). I love math, science, and designing; my goal is to develop and exercise these skills  while being exposed to real-world, hands-on experience, and I think that an internship is the perfect place to start!

    on April 11, 2013, 12:12 a.m.
  • Cassandra Valencia- O'Shea said:


    Name: Cassandra Valencia- O'Shea
    City, State: San Francisco, CA
    • I am a computer science major at Stonehill College.
    • I have experience in Java programming.
    • During my senior year of high school, I participated in the Technovation Challenge as a student
    • Mentor to a team at Needham High School
    What I'm looking for in an internship:
    Exposure to programming. So far, all I have done is programming but I want to be exposed to other aspects in the field of technology. I'm open for anything and ready to learn! 
    on April 10, 2013, 9:12 p.m.
  • Cassandra Valencia- O'Shea said:


    Even though I am not considered a student, would I be able to apply? 

    Thank you! 



    on April 10, 2013, 8:41 p.m.

    annalise said:

    Sure, Cassandra. This opportunity is open for all current Technovation students and alumni :)


    on April 10, 2013, 8:49 p.m. in reply to Cassandra Valencia- O'Shea

    Cassandra Valencia- O'Shea said:

    Thank you for this opportunity :) 


    on April 10, 2013, 9:13 p.m. in reply to annalise