Eight Circuit Model of Human Consciousness
The eight systems model is adapted from the work of Timothy Leary (A man who needs no introduction). His work is an interpretation and an adaptation of older systems, including Oriental models. He seems to have followed the steps which he described later as Receipt-Integrate-Transmit, after his first psychedelic experience, where he seems to have gotten a bigger perspective, becoming capable of transmitting the eight circuit model through his work on psychology. After we got in touch with Leary’s work, mainly through Robert Anton Wilson’s work, the obvious step appears to be integrating it and finally transmitting it, and that’s what this course is about.
Navigate through this few websites for an additional information on the subject. Additional to the extent that this course is the main source of information, because this websites together form a wider range of topics than the course. The links are the course. (YET)
- Dedroidify
- Deoxy Hyperdimension
- Phinn Web
- Vertical Pool
- The Vaults of Erowid
- Reality Sandwich
- Hope Dance
There are quite a few other models that can be compared to the 8 circuits, among them are the 8 chakras and the 8 limbs of yoga in the Oriental tradition, the law of octaves (music and color) created by Pythagoras and even the 8 weekdays (to be understood through the course), used here in the West. Even the 12 signs of the zodiac or the 4 dukkas of the buddhist tradition can be related to the first 4 circuits, as well as the 4 plains in the Hermetic Kabbalah Tree of Life. For now, we are using the eight brains model described in the works of Leary, RAW, Antero Alli and a few others.
The main approach of this model can be conceived in terms of fractals, the idea that systems reproduce or recapitulate a pattern in different scales. One can notice this every time a child is conceived. Or when a cell divides (or reproduce). The same patterns in a very different context. A newborn baby must recapitulate the strategies used by its own species, in order to grow, thus the first thing the baby looks for (or the mom wants to) is being held (or hold, for the mom). Notice that this is a two way process. This mother-child bonding is the symptom of this first circuit acting and Robert Anton Wilson usually emphasizes the oral because it is the way humans develop their first contacts with the external world, it's their first tool or mediator between the child and the rest of the world. When the fractal (and/or quantum) model is applied to life itself, simulating the observer (the reference) as the Earth or the Sun, one can notice that this pattern (of bio survival) takes the form of gravity for the planets relate to the stars, and again on another level, as the atmosphere for the planets, relating to it's own inner life, represented by plants, animals, bacteria, fungi... All these characteristics resembles the first circuit of human consciousness, the bio survival, because it represents the foundation for the existence of the being-observer. A lot of the eight circuit model implies the Game Theory, to be seen later.