Can Anything Be A Learning Management System?

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So, It's a great point, and one of the things I like to try to be careful about here, so if it is a district in your trying to coordinate and kinda standardize student logins and those sort of things there's value in picking a learning management system so that there's consistency and a level of management that's a little bit easier to deploy, right? But that's not the case or if that is the case and we're directing our educators to design their courses this way, because this is the way we designed it we're losing a big battle there, right? for years we've always or I hope, in many districts, we've encouraged the art of teaching in the classroom I'm not gonna walk into a teacher's classroom and say, "you know what, I think you doing this wrong or I'm not going to tell them which instructional strategies to use I may offer them solutions and and ideas and ways to improve and those kinda things but that's the art of teaching and I never want to lose that so whether the're using Blackboard as an organizational tool or google sites as an LMS, the idea here is that they're setting a space where learning can be organized and delivered, where information, the potential for learning, can be the delivered. Now, in an art classroom that maybe integrating Google Art project for virtual tours in a blended space. In a math classroom, it could be using math facts or any of the that tools that are out there and including them inside of the space I don't want to define that art for teachers and I think we have to be very careful about not doing that because then education becomes systemic and vanilla and we're really not making growth were just kind of continuing the blandness that we've had the past that we've been so critical of.


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