Communicating in this course
You will communicate in this course in 3 ways:
- Discussion board (on these course pages)
- Google Group
- Blog
1. Discussion board - For Questions/Feedback/Comments
If you’ve looked through the weeks, you’ll notice there is a discussion board called Disqus at the bottom of each week. Each week has a specific discussion board. There is also a discussion board for general course questions/comments under the ‘Discussion’ tab.
Here is a short tutorial on how to use Disqus.
2. Google Group - For community
To communicate with each other as a class, I have created the cc4k12 Google group. Please request to join this group at I will also add everyone who signs up for the course. This is group is open for anyone to post to with their questions, links they would like to share, topics they would like to share, and for me to send out weekly course announcements and reminders. This group is for you to talk to each other as fellow educators/librarians/etc. The Google Group will serve as our main mode of communication.
3. Blog - For assignments/projects
You probably already have a blog. Please use it for your assignments. Once you have published the blog post, share the link in the discussion board for the week when the assignment is due. That way, everyone else can see your post and make comments.
If you don't have a blog, or if you just want to separate your personal blog from this course, you can join the cc4k12 blog. The cc4k12 blog runs on Wordpress. If you don't have a Wordpress account, please create one here. Once the course starts, I will ask you for your WP account name and invite everyone to contribute to the blog as authors.
How I will communicate with you
I will communicate with you through all of the above ways, but will be primarily using the Google Group for sending out weekly reminders/notifications, etc. You are also always welcome to email me directly with any questions.
Optional communications
I have created the @cc4k12 Twitter account for you to follow for the duration of this course, and a Twitter list for course participants. I will add all Twitter handles shared during the first week of the course to this list so that everyone can follow each other. I also encourage you to use the hashtag #cc4k12 when discussing the course.
Collaboration tools
If you want to team up with one of your fellow participants on an assignment or to just discuss something that week, here are some free collaboration tools you can use!
- For synchronous virtual meetings: Use Google hangout or Skype
- For taking notes, collaborative writing/editing: Use Etherpad or Google docs