Dental Leadership

There are three key steps for today’s world. Own it: take personal responsibility. Don’t get caught in the trap of blaming and complaining about anything. Negative mindsets create negative results. Own what is happening. Victimization gets a person nowhere. Continually ask, “What can I do?” Search for answers and then do it. Lead it: transform your practice staff into a genuine team to lighten the owner’s load while improving the patient experience. Exceptional results come from exceptional leadership and teambuilding. Perfect it: relentlessly pursue perfection on the fundamentals of exceptional patient care with particular focus on effective patient and team communication

The doctor must be a subjective leader – passionate and committed about his or her work. As a leader, the doctor must have a vision of the preferred future of the practice, and the design systems and management to meet those objectives. The doctor needs to retain someone who is responsible for the day-to-day objectivity of office operations while he or she works their passion. In line with that, the fine line between employer and employee must be maintained. Being a leader and role model means caring for each member of the team, while remembering that an employee is an employee and making the distinction clear.


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