Dentists Having a Vision

Develop the role of treatment coordinator in your practice and explore success strategies for the aesthetic practice. Most practices have a talented person on the team who would be motivated by the challenge to help boost retention, communicate with patients who haven’t accepted proposed treatment yet, increase production and profit for the practice, follow through on aesthetic care beyond the initially accepted restorative/preventive care. Responsibilities span new patient experience, treatment presentations/consultation appointments, financial coordination and more. Work together to reignite a passion among your patients to consider aesthetic options and follow through to your ultimate vision for a dream practice

No successful company can function for any significant amount of time without a clearly defined plan of how they will function. I would strongly suggest that every dentist, no matter how successful, consider creating a written plan of where they want their practice to be and how they expect to take it there. There’s an old saying: “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road can take you there.” Working on things like case acceptance, better treatment planning, expanded services or even leadership are a waste of time unless the practice has a plan for long-term success.


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