Self Assessment
Take a moment to think about your current mathematics classroom, or if you have taught in the past, a previous class that you've taught. If you've never taught mathematics, think about your favorite or least favorite mathematics class when you were in school.
Consider the following, and write some of your insights in the discussion box below.
Do my students have opportunities to reason mathematically in my class? Do they talk to each other about mathematics? Does only the teacher respond when students offer ideas? Or do students respond to each other's ideas?
Are all students participating and engaged in class? Are some students clearly not understanding, or distracted and focusing on other things?
Do I use complex, challenging tasks in my classes or do I merely have students repeat what I've told them in simple, repetitive exercises?
Is there a mixture of whole class and small group learning experiences in my class? Is my role as a teacher more to teach a concept and have students practice, or is it to set up the conditions for learning and then summarize and hone what students have discovered for themselves through solving problems?
Do I believe all students are capable of success in mathematics, or is it something that only a select few are capable of?