Talk to the Experts: A Google Hangout with Tom and Lynn

Week 3: Google Hangout

Our Google hangout will take place on ___

To join a Google Hangout, you must have a Google plus account. If this isn't something that you want to do, or if you miss the discussion, you can still take part via the comment section below and the entire session will be recorded and the link will be updated here.

Guest speakers Thomas Dowd, Alumni Career Solutions, and Lynn D'Angelo-Bello, M.A., Graduate Student Counseling & Career Development, from Lehigh University will join our Google Hangout.

Speakers Bios:

Event Logistics: You will need a microphone on your computer that works and optionally a webcam. It's a bit like a conference call on Skype. Try to test it out if you can beforehand. Here's a link to some help troubleshooting -

Setting the Agenda Over the past two weeks, you have successfully developed, or enhanced, both your resume and cover letter. Hopefully each of you have at least one, if not many more, professional opportunity that you will be applying for in the upcoming week. Tom and Lynn will join us to discuss career searching tools, tips, and resources, as well as provide you an opportunity to discuss any questions or thoughts you have about application etiquette.
What else might we want to discuss today? Is anything missing from the Agenda?

Please provide additional questions below and we will be sure to touch on as many as possible during our Hangout.

See you soon!


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