Welcome to Nourish(RX)!
We are so excited to start this program with you. Tanya Thomforde is a Certified Holistic Health Coach, passionate about helping people find what works best for their bodies to feel truly well. She graduated from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. in Nutrition and then went on to the Institute of Integrative Nutrition to receive her coaching certification. She takes the holistic approach by looking at all aspects of life to create overall balance and wellness. Dr. Kristin Schaffer is a chiropractor, functional movement specialist, and a certified sports nutritionist. She has learned to navigate competitive athletics consuming a whole foods, grain-free diet after developing a severe intolerance to all grains in early childhood.
We love working with with athletes to make sure they are eating enough of the right foods so that they can fuel their workouts and recover quickly allowing them to train and compete in their sport at the highest level.
General Navigation of P2PU:
You can find your picture and profile name in the upper right corner of the screen - to find this course simply click on the arrow next to your name and then click 'My Profile'. Any course you are enrolled in will be listed here. Click Nourish (RX) to find us!
We have divided the course out for easy navigation. You can tackle all of the information at once if you'd like or we will lead you through the program step by step! We will be sending out weekly emails to direct you through the course.
There are discussions at the bottom of each page as well as a main 'Discussion' tab on top. For continuity of information (and if a section correlates to a question) please ask use the discussion boards at the bottom of the pages. If you have general questions or can't find a correlating page, ask these on the main 'Discussion' tab!
Body Composition Testing - BodPod
We highly encourage you to complete a BodPod body composition assessment. The BodPod accurately measures body mass, body fat percentage, fat mass and fat-free mass, calculated resting metabolic rate and total calories burned per day at different levels of physical activity.
Our favorite marker from this assessment is something called TEE [total energy expenditure]. It is broken down into categories for how active an athlete is and gives the minimum number of calories that need to be consumed in order to maintain the current body composition. This number is startlingly high for most people and many will see that they have been under fueling their bodies for the sort of activities they do. Just getting enough calories is a really good place to start for sports performance. It also shows us that one doesn't have to severely restrict calories to lose weight.
Please talk to John or Susan at CrossFit Slipstream if you are interested in having this test done. The University of Minnesota has BodPod testing and offer group rates for groups of 5 or more. If you are out of state, do a Google search for BodPod. Most major Universities have one as well as some other fitness/performance centers.
How to interpret results:
Body Mass = your body weight
% Fat Free Mass = everything in your body that isn't fat:bone, muscle, tissue, everything other than fat. [When this number increases over time it usually signifies an increase in muscle mass]
Fat Mass = the weight of the fat in your body
% Body Fat = the percentage of your body weight that is fat.
Resting Metabolic Rate = the minimum number of calories you must consume in order to survive at rest
Estimated Total Energy Expenditure broken down by total daily activity level. This is where the magic happens. Based upon your activity level each day we can fairly accurately determine how many calories you need to be consuming to optimize sports performance or weight loss. Jump ahead to week four to learn how many of those calories should be coming from carbs, fats, and protein.