Social and Ethical Issues
The difference between social and ethical issues. Ethical issues relate to the rights and wrongs within the environment/society you operate - is it ethical to use your neighbor's unsecured WiFi connection. Social issues relate to how actions affect society - such as filtering of search results by Google, they decide what results we see therefore have some level of control over us. Ethics and social issues are related; the Google example is an ethical issue for Google and a social issue for users.
Activity 5
ASIO powers to spy over the entire internet pass the Senate
The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights Article 12 states: "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks."
Question: Read the ZDNET article above and consider that Australia is a founding and active member of the UN and has signed up to the Declaration of Human Rights. What social and ethical issues do the new powers given to ASIO bring into question. Consider if you were working for ASIO planning and design software solutions, discuss at least two practical issues that could arise from your software being able to, in theory, hack any computing device in Australia and "copy, delete, or modify the data held on those computers with just a single warrant".