Chapter 1: ... continued


Congratulations on reaching the end of the first chapter. We hope it has given you a clear picture of what being a personal assistant is all about. That is a worthwhile thing in itself, but it also lays the foundations for what you will be learning in the other chapters.

The key learning points from this chapter are:

Personalised care is intended to help disabled and/or older people to live more independent lives and to have more control over the care and support they need.

Personal assistants have an important role to play in making the idea of personalised care a reality. They do various tasks that are necessary to enable the person being supported to have a fuller and more meaningful life.

Personal assistants need appropriate knowledge, skills and values in order to carry out their duties effectively and responsibly.

There are common pitfalls that need to be avoided, and being aware of what these are makes it less likely that problems will arise.

So, you will soon be able to make a start on Chapter 2. But, first, spend a little time thinking about what you have learned so far. The questions below have been prepared to help you do this.

Pause for thought

What strikes you as most significant from the chapter you have just completed?

Is there anything that has surprised you? If so, in what way?

Is there anything that puzzles you or that you would like to know more about?

How might what you have learned help you in your role?

There are no right or wrong answers to these questions; they are just aids to help you to reflect on what you have learned. You may find it helpful to make some notes for future reference.

Taking your learning forward

Well done for getting this far! I hope you feel it has been worth the effort to date. You should now have a good basic understanding of what is involved. Shortly, you will be able to move on to the second chapter and take your understanding further. But, first, we want you to give some thought to building on what this chapter has covered in terms of personalised care and your role as a personal assistant. So, what we have put together is a set of resources that you are likely to find useful. Our recommendation is that you have a quick look and listen to these now, but make a note to come back and revisit them once you have completed the guidebook so that you can then take your learning forward.

The Care Council for Wales' Toolkit for employers of Personal Assistants This document is written from the employer’s point of view, but is still a helpful source of information.

Although as a Personal Assistant you do not have to register with the Care Council for Wales, their Code of Conduct underpins the principles of working as a social care worker and may be a good resource for you. You can listen to the Code below.

There is also helpful information about direct payments from the organisation Services for Independent Living.

Remember that these are just some of the additional learning resources you can draw on when you get chance.

Please don’t forget about them, as they can play an important role in broadening and deepening your learning.

Finally, take this short quiz to check that you're ready to move on to Chapter 2

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