Chapter 4: ...continued


Health and safety concerns clearly need to be taken seriously, and so it is to be hoped that this chapter has given you a good foundation of understanding. You will soon be able to make a start on the fifth and final chapter, but first let’s clarify the main learning points of this chapter:

Although some people take health and safety matters to extreme lengths we should not allow that to distract attention from how important it is to get it right.

As a personal assistant you have a degree of responsibility for safeguarding your own health and safety and that of the person you are supporting.

It is particularly important to follow appropriate procedures when you are involved in moving and handling.

‘Getting it right’ in terms of health and safety is not particularly difficult, but it is relatively easy to become complacent and let things slip.

Pause for thought

Once again it is time to review what you have learned and how it relates to your specific role.

What strikes you as most significant from the chapter you have just completed?

Is there anything that has surprised you? If so, in what way?

Is there anything that puzzles you or that you would like to know more about?

How might what you have learned help you in your role?

Taking your learning forward

The basics of health and safety are explained on the Health and Safety Executive website.

The Health and Safety Toolkit is geared more towards workplaces than people’s homes, but none the less has some useful information.

There is helpful information about health and safety risk assessments available from the Health and Safety Executive.

There is also information about health and safety specific to the personal assistant role in the following document:

The Care Council for Wales' Toolkit for employers of Personal Assistants This document is written from the employer’s point of view, but is still a helpful source of information.

Important note

Please bear in mind that the following resources are no substitute for the formal training you will need to do before you are able to undertake any work that involves moving or handling a person.

A very useful guide in relation to back care, with a DVD about safe moving and handling is available for £4.95.

Further detailed information about the All Wales Manual Handling Passport is available from the NHS Wales website.

Finally, you can use this short quiz to check your knowledge before moving on to the next Chapter.

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