Session 4: Present, Share & Collaborate

Wow, well done, you made it through 4 sessions of "Introduction to Prezi Presentations. We do hope you enjoyed the course

The final session of this short course looked at how Prezi can be used to present ideas in a range of circumstances, how we can share our presentations with remote audiences and how we can use Prezi to collaborate with others.

Here is the background presentation for today's session, which also includes your contributions.

Further Learning Here is my Models of Teaching and Learning Prezi

You can continue your learning with Prezi via the "Learn & Support" section of the website, which includes some publicly available webinar sessions delivered by themselves. You can find out more about these sessions here

Extras: Presenting Here's a TEDx talk all about what makes a great presentation, or how we can communicate our amazing ideas

And here is another of Prezi's new interactive guides gives some expert tips and hints about how to be a great presenter using Prezi. Here it is:

Extras: Sharing If you're struggling with embedding your Prezi into a blog site, here's a nice little instructional video about embedding in WordPress. If you blog with Blogger or have a website, the process is very similar.

Extras: Collaboration During the session we looked at a very nifty Prezi presentation that gave a step-by-step guide to using the collaboration features on Prezi. Here it is again:

This is an hour-long recording of a Prezi collaborate session that WEA Cymru tutor, Richard Speight, created and delivered online from Bangor along with his colleague Hayley, who was in Prague. It's best to start the video at around 14 Mins 35 secs.

That's live broadcasting with live comments, screen recording, live prezi collaboration and social sharing all in one session.

A badge for that The final badge available to recognise your achievements and progress on this course is the "Collaborate and share" badge. It's earned by adding to the shared canvass used in class and then sharing this presentation on a social network, through embedding in a blog or through email. Just copy the URL of your tweet, Facebook update, LinkedIn post or blog as the evidence for the badge.


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