Restoring Integrity

Prior Update 05/08/2015 Last Edited 05/10/2015


This course is inspired by my premise that there are two main principles at work in our universe that we as individuals and as a collective act upon:

1.For Something
2.Against Something

Furthermore, the actions we take effect the progress of the following conditions:

3.Everything That Is
4.Nothing Which Can Be

Furthermore, the total sum (actions and conditions) that make up the "status quo" can be broken down into the following world-scene type of narratives (scenarios):

A.I Stand Against Everything, However I'm For Nothing
B.I Stand Against Something, However I'm For Something
C.I Am For Everything

However the following are arguments that may either strengthen or weaken the status quo:

D.I Stand Against Nothing, However I'm Not For Everything
E.I Stand Against Something, However I'm Not For Something

The integrity of each scenario may be tested by the fact that the whole must be complete and be able to stand under its own weight. For example lets take Scenario B and test the following narrative:

B.I Stand Against Stupidity, However I'm For Humour

Another example would be to combine Scenarios B & E to test the integrity of the following narratives:

B.I Stand Against Violence, However I'm For Justice
E.I Stand Against Violence, However I'm Not For Submission

In my humble opinion, the noblest narratives in practice today are medical ethics, that is, the following principles displayed between the "doctor-patient relationship" which should be imperitive as well between the "world society-environment relationship":

5. the principle of non-maleficence, "primum non nocere"
6. the principle of beneficence, "salus aegroti suprema lex"

Thus my conclusion is then this, that no matter what the status quo, narrative, or scenario we are faced against, the integrity of such a position may be measured so as to verify its validity. It is also in my opinion that as a world society we must come together to research, develop, and test once and for all "Global Integrity".

In the meantime, however, I've come up with the following scenarios that I believe in practice uphold principles 5 & 6.

Part I. Re-legalizing Industrial Hemp

Restoring the right to grow one of our nation’s historic cash crops makes sense. The time has come to remove the draconian regulations surrounding industrial hemp and enable the American farmer to rebuild our rural economy. - said Michael Lewis, a Rockcastle County, Ky., farmer who participated in a hemp pilot project in 2014. [1]

Bringing it Home (documentary)- We hope to educate people from all walks of life about hemp’s amazing uses and benefits. We believe that if more people knew about all the amazing things that industrial hemp could do to create a healthier and sustainable economy, healthier and more energy efficient homes, thousands of non-toxic products, and healthier air, water, food and soil — that Americans would come together to support industrial hemp farming in every state in the U.S. [2]

The Hemp Revolution documentary covers a whole lot of ground. It deals with every historical and contemporary aspect of hemp usage and cultivation (mainly in the U.S.)... and also investigates why America went from a country which produced vast quantities of the non-narcotic industrial hemp, to the complete ban on hemp production in 1938.

Part II. Legalization of Medical Marihuana

Texas Coalition for Compassionate Care (TCCC) -We are compassionate Texans from all walks of life who advocate for the care of our sick, pained and dying through safe access to physician recommended medical marijuana (MMJ). At the core of the medical marijuana issue is our ability to care about our neighbors, and our resolve to treat patients with respect in what may be the most trying times in their lives...

Safe access to medicines that include cannabinoids (marijuana) is about science, not politics and law; and in the end, for those who need it most, it is only about compassion.

Veterans for Medical Cannabis Access or VMCA, advocates for veterans' rights to access medical cannabis for therapeutic purposes. VMCA encourages all legislative bodies to endorse veterans' rights to use medical cannabis therapeutically and responsibly, and is working to end all prohibitions associated with such use. VMCA is working to preserve and protect the long established doctor-patient relationship including the ability to safely discuss medical cannabis use within the V.A. healthcare system without fear of punishment or retribution. [3]

Weed 3: The Marijuana Revolution documentary by CNN's Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta provides an overview of the history of marijuana prohibition, in addition to examining the science behind marijuana and the medical properties of cannabidiol, or CBD. Dr. Gupta also humanizes the science through the story of Charlotte Figi, a five-year-old girl with a debilitating neurological disorder called Dravet’s Syndrome. Scientific experts like Dr. Carl Hart are featured to explain the impact of marijuana use on human behavior and the political and bureaucratic obstacles that stymie medical research on marijuana.


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